Emcopy windows#
The Emcopy Error 1314 error may be caused by windows system files damage.
Emcopy code#
This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Emcopy Error 1314 format. This Emcopy Error 1314 error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused.
Emcopy driver#
This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors. The Emcopy Error 1314 error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused.

$Global:CheckBox8.Text = "Copy owner security information" $Global:CheckBox8.Size = new-object (950,50) $Global:CheckBox8.Location = new-object (20,280) $Global:CheckBox7.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left

$Global:CheckBox7.Text = "Copy the source file when its last modification time is not equal to the destination file’s modification time or when files size are different" $Global:CheckBox7.Size = new-object (950,50) $Global:CheckBox7.Location = new-object (20,240) $Global:CheckBo圆.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left $Global:CheckBo圆.Text = "Copy only the source files when its last modification time is greater than the destination file’s modification time" $Global:CheckBo圆.Location = new-object (20,200) $Global:CheckBox5.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left $Global:CheckBox5.Text = "Force copy of 'Creation Date' to destination" $Global:CheckBox5.Size = new-object (950,50) $Global:CheckBox5.Location = new-object (20,160) $Global:CheckBox4.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left

$Global:CheckBox4.Text = "Remove extra files and directories from the destination tree" $Global:CheckBox4.Size = new-object (950,50) $Global:CheckBox4.Location = new-object (20,120) $Global:CheckBox3.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left $Global:CheckBox3.Text = "Copy all files in the subdirectories" $Global:CheckBox3.Size = new-object (950,50) $Global:CheckBox3.Location = new-object (20,80) $Global:TextBox2.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left -bor ::Bottom -bor ::Right $Global:TextBox2.Location = New-Object (300,50) $Global:CheckBox2.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left $Global:CheckBox2.Size = new-object (250,50) $Global:CheckBox2.Location = new-object (20,40) $Global:TextBox1.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left -bor ::Bottom -bor ::Right $Global:TextBox1.Location = New-Object (300,10) $Global:CheckBox1.Anchor = ::Top -bor ::Left $Global:CheckBox1.Size = new-object (250,50) $Global:CheckBox1.Location = new-object (20,0) $Font = New-Object ("Times New Roman",12) #Set the font of the text to be used within the form $Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-mm-dd-HH.mm.ss" $ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue' # - Added font to confirm box to fix box not displaying # # - Changed more variables to be global variables # # - Changed confirm box and run action to functions # # - Changed program launcher to Start-Process command # # - Fixed bug preventing final action from running #

# - Run button now enabled by both correct source and destination paths # # - Added path testing function for source and destination # # - Fixed log file name to contain -LOG on preview and run # # - Added simple options to run command # # - Added space betweek /c and /log for preview text # # - Changed log location to be destination folder # # - Anchored the Preview bar to the bottom of the window # This script introduced some new functions that I had not used previously, specifically live modifying of items within a form. It also needs to be handed to a level one team so it needs to be reasonably simple and foolproof. There are many switches available and the admin who currently use it tell me that they need to be placed in certain orders and getting this wrong can have drastic consequences. It seems like I am doing heaps of PowerShell scripts lately, but once people find out that you have some experience with it and what it can do they will start lining up.įor this script I was asked to develop a GUI for EMCOPY which is sort of like robocopy but from EMC.